Native Hunting Gear was started in 2015 as a result of my love and passion for the sport of Bowhunting. Having been in the sport since 1977 and still actively Bowhunting today, I wanted to give something back to my fellow Bowhunters in this country. This came in the form of a high quality hunting and field shaft.
The Heatseeker shaft evolved from over 12 months of research. I personally trialled several sample shafts over this period. Many things had to be taken into consideration with my major concerns being accuracy, durability and safety. If I was going to put my name behind a hunting shaft it had to be good, very good or else I would not pursue this venture. Without discussing many of the shafts I trailed, I finally settled on one shaft. I shot field with the shaft to check I got consistent grouping, I checked consistency within the parameters of the weight and spine of the shaft which was very important, then or course I had to field test the shaft in different hunting situations. Over a 12 month period I harvested several game animals including, Red Deer, Rusa Deer, Boars, and other small game. This gave me enough of a cross section of game to realize the construction of this shaft and its components were up to a very high standard for our Bowhunters.
Our Heatseeker shafts have now proven themselves beyond a doubt to be equal to any pure Carbon hunting shaft on the market. (See our media page for some of the results)
Since the introduction of our Heatseeker in 2015, I decided to produce a high performance target / 3D shaft in 2016. After numerous testing I decided to go with a larger diameter shaft, with great line breaking capabilities. Again I tested different layups in the Carbon, the shaft had to be light but strong and a spine that would suit many different archers in the one shaft. I tried cross weave layups which were accurate but had an increase in weight, I wanted no less than 7 GPI but not heavier than 8 GPI. The components had to be versatile as well so it would suit different archers and their division requirements.
We introduced the 300 Pro Series with great success which helped many shoots with achieving perfect scores. Never wanting to rest on our laurels we continued our R&D thought the following years
We are now very happy to introduce our 23 PRO SERIES shaft in 2021; this shaft is .001 straightness and is made from the finest Japanese Carbon. They come in a choice of two spine options; 300 or 400 spind shafts and are supplied with nibs and nock collars.
Native Hunting Gear is extremely happy to supply Australian Archers and Bowhunters with an Australian owned premium quality shaft.